Turn Your Spare Time into Cash: Get Paid Reviewing Apps! > 자유게시판

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작성일: 24-07-15 11:04 작성일 작성자 성함(회사명): Camilla
이메일: 전화번호: Turn Your Spare Time into Cash: Get Paid Reviewing Apps!
대략적인 공연예산: Refresh-How-to-Start-a-Blog-That-Makes-You-Money-1.pngTurn Your Spare Time into Cash: Get Paid Reviewing Apps!
1. Introduction
2. Working for an app review company: There are companies that pay you to use and then write a review about a specific application. These companies may provide you with the app itself or ask you to buy/download the application and then reimburse the money spent. Usually, the pay is based on an app-by-app basis and rates can vary.
1. Writing for a website: This is a popular way of getting paid for app reviews. Site owners are always on the lookout for fresh content and often employ freelance writers to write detailed reviews about various applications.
There are several ways a person can get paid for reviewing Android applications.
App reviewing refers to a process of giving one's opinion about any mobile/tablet application. It involves using, testing, and then generating a thought about the usability, functionality, and user interface of the application. App reviews may vary from a short, quick review to a complete detailed review about the application. App reviewing has become a way of generating profits for some people. They either start a blog or write reviews for a website. Getting paid for reviewing Android applications is a good monetizing method if you have none other at the moment. This process not only pays the reviewer but also encourages him/her to use more and more applications, thereby giving them more experience and exposure to the Android market.
1.1. Overview of App Reviewing
Mobile app review writing is a broad area. There are countless apps on the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store which need reviewing, and with 83% of companies expecting to increase their mobile app projects this year, there is no shortage of work. Each app review job is as different as the next. Some are simple and engaging with a quick $5 or so for 10 minutes of your time using an app, to others which require a complex professional review to get a point across and paying anywhere from $10 up to $100 per app review. This job can easily be taken on a casual basis, can help to pay the bills in between other more time-consuming and less enjoyable jobs. Alternatively, if you have a lot of spare time on your hands, it has the potential to become a full-time job to give you a substantial reliable income.
A key benefit with app review jobs is that it does not require much effort to get started doing, even landing your first paid app review job won't be very difficult at all in most cases. Anyone who does or has done article writing online will have no trouble transitioning to app review writing, and it is a great opportunity for university students needing a flexible job to fit around their studies. With the fast-growing app industry, there is plenty of work to go around and this niche job is showing no signs of disappearing.
1.2. Benefits of Getting Paid for App Reviews
There are many reasons as to why being a reviewer would prove beneficial. The first obvious reason is that it would be a rather profitable career. Many paid review opportunities offer an excessive amount of money with very little work required. There are software and programs available to aid with reviewing that would increase the quality of the reviews resulting in better pay. The better the review, the higher the pay. Money is a big motivator for many people and this method requires very little time and effort in exchange for a good sum of money. This method of getting paid also has a very flexible schedule as previously mentioned. Since there is no set amount of work that needs to be done, there are no deadlines therefore allowing a reviewer to write at their own pace within reason. This is good for people who do not want a lot of stress and pressure from their job, so they can do it in their spare time and not be overtaken by commitments. Since people can review from home, it also saves money on transport and energy that would be exerted from traveling to and from a job. Finally, for people who are introverted or prefer minimal social interaction, this method is perfect. It allows someone to work alone and not be bothered by others. This can also be done by students or part-time workers looking for an easy way to make some extra money. In other words, the incentive for paid reviewing is very high.
2. Getting Started with App Reviewing
When contacting developers or site owners, they will often want to see examples of previously written reviews. It would be beneficial to have a professional-looking blog or website with a few sample reviews. Past experience in journalism or writing will certainly be an asset, and having a portfolio of published articles is an excellent way to prove one's credibility. Another thing to consider is creating a professional email address or even business cards for networking. This will make a lasting first impression and could result in long-term reviewing opportunities.
2.1 Setting Up a Professional Profile
Another viable method is to approach developers directly. Any app published by a company or small development firm will have some form of contact information listed on the store page. Simply send them an email and ask if they would be interested in a review in exchange for a free copy of the app, or better yet, a paid review.
This step requires you to look for opportunities on both developers' and webmasters' websites. App reviewing can be conducted on any iOS or Android device, and site owners are often looking for people willing to review apps. Webmaster forums are a great place to look and can be found by typing "app review" into a search engine. Paid app review opportunities are also sometimes posted on classified advertisement websites such as Craigslist.
2.1 Finding App Reviewing Opportunities
This section contains three subsections, each providing a step towards attempting app reviewing. The steps involve finding app reviewing opportunities, then setting up a professional profile, and finally understanding review guidelines.
2.1. Finding App Reviewing Opportunities
The most straightforward method of finding reviewing work is to register with an app review website. There are countless sites dedicated to reviewing iOS and Android apps including some that specialize in reviews for a certain type of app such as games or lifestyle apps. The quality and depth of app reviews on these sites varies, so it may take some effort to find a site with a reviewing style that suits you. Many sites will recruit new reviewers by advertising on relevant forums or blogs, so keep an eye out for any opportunities that may arise.
There are a number of ways to find opportunities for app reviewing. You could start by directly approaching app developers with an offer to write a review, or try to find work with an app review website. You could also register with an online employment agency and pick up app reviewing jobs as they become available. Each of these methods is viable and in some cases you may even combine them. We will discuss each of these methods in detail.
2.2. Setting Up a Professional Profile
Next, you'll want to create a professional reviewing persona. There are thousands of people who review apps from their personal accounts, and while the practice is very common, it often leads to comments being overlooked by developers. If you're very serious about getting paid to review apps, many app developers will take notice and be willing to supply you with promo codes for their app in hopes of a good review. However, the app developers are less likely to give you promo codes if you are armed with a personal account with next to no content or credibility. Instead, add a bit of character to your reviewing persona and create an alias or pen name strictly for your app reviewing. With this approach, consumers who read your reviews and do the research on your reviewing persona may take interest and add you to their friends list because your comments have helped them in some way. This stage also opens up opportunities for paid app review requests for review sites and app promotion services. By doing paid reviews for others, you'll find that many of the clients will allow you to keep the app and possibly give you a small bonus on top of your usual earnings.
When you review apps, you need to present a professional appearance so that developers will value your feedback enough to take your comments seriously and make improvements to their app. The first thing you'll want to do is create a professional email address that is strictly used for your app reviewing business. This will keep your business and personal life separate. Your email address will be the main gesture to developers that you are a serious app reviewer, so make sure your email address resembles your business name. For example, if your business name is Jack's App Reviews, an acceptable email address would be something like!
2.3. Understanding Review Guidelines
Most app review sites have specific guidelines that you'll need to follow, although there is some variance. AppReviewCentral's guidelines are a relatively standard set that should give you a good idea of what to expect. They include writing reviews of at least 200-300 words, writing a brief summary of the app's main point, listing the app's price, and including a star rating. They also require posting a link to the review on social media and visiting other app review sites to leave comments on their reviews. These are the kind of specific requirements that you're likely to encounter, and you should be prepared to meet them if you want consistent work. It's fine to contact the site owner and ask for more information if you're unsure of anything.
Another thing to keep in mind is honesty. It's important to be honest about what you think of an app and not sacrifice your integrity for the sake of earning a bit of cash. If you end up slating an app that you really don't like, don't expect more work from that site as you'll likely be expected to review more apps from the same developer. By the same token, if you're a big fan of a particular app, Don't miss out on the opportunity to earn - click here to review apps now! expect to be able to review it and leave an overly biased review.
3. Tips for Writing Effective App Reviews
Talk about the features and do not get sidetracked explaining things not related to the app's intended goal. This is inevitable with some apps, so make it clear when this occurs and state that it is a suggestion for future improvement.
Now, to evaluate an app's feature is somewhat ambiguous. Most applications will have a specific goal, and thus their feature set is designed to accomplish this goal. This can be anything from providing a recipe, giving a weather forecast, providing an entertainment source, and so on. Ninety-nine percent of the time, an application is designed to be efficient and more worthwhile than using an alternative method to achieve the app's goal. Thus, when appraising its features, you will also need to compare the app to its alternative and weigh down its value. If the application only has a small advantage or no advantage at all compared to the alternative method, then it is not effective, and you need to say it. Implement this comparison to better explain the task and tie it to the first sentence in the following on providing a criticism.
The first thing you need to do is evaluate the app properly before appraising its features. Install the application on your device and use it for a while before you begin to write the review. This way, if the app is a game, you can experience its gaming environment and note important factors such as responsiveness, fluidity, graphical quality, and so on. Note-taking is an effective tactic, and you should always jot down the main points to organize your thoughts. Explaining your criticisms, comments, and appraising its features will be much easier if you have prepared beforehand.
3.1. Evaluating App Features and Functionality
The second consideration is app stability. This is a crucial factor often overlooked by developers and other reviewers. An unstable app that crashes frequently is unlikely to be used regardless of how good it is when operational. Stability problems can also lead to loss of user data and these apps can receive bad reviews unfairly as a user may not realize that the problems they experienced were due to an app error and not a problem with their device. To evaluate app stability, simply use the app doing the various tasks that it is meant to facilitate and take note of any crashes, hangs, slowdowns or other problems with app performance.
There are a number of different considerations in evaluating the functionality of an application. The first is to determine what the app is supposed to accomplish. What are the core features and functions? Does the app perform as advertised? For example, if an app is supposed to be a mobile version of a website that provides a specific service such as restaurant reviews, how well does it emulate the original web interface? Does it offer added benefits such as using GPS data to find the user's location and present nearby restaurants? If the app in question is a game, what is the gameplay supposed to be like and does the game achieve this? For any function or feature of the app, compare what it is supposed to do with what you have observed while using the app and formulate an opinion on the reason for any disparities.
3.2. Providing Constructive Criticism
The best reviews provide developers with an idea of what went wrong and what went right in creating the app. If possible, make note of what the app was trying to accomplish, and your impression of how well it achieved that goal. Point out the good and the bad and do not be bashful. If the app has major flaws, the developer would prefer to hear about them so they can be fixed. An honest expression of your thoughts and feelings concerning the app will help developers to make the app better for you and other users.
There are also a few things that should be avoided. Try to refrain from suggesting how you would personally fix the problems in the app unless your intention is to open a dialogue with the developer. Most users do not have enough insight into app development to make feasible suggestions on how to fix a problem. Similarly, do not make demands of the developer. Phrases like "the developer needs to…" and "this app must…" suggest a sense of entitlement on the part of the user, and this is not helpful in fostering open communication between users and developers. This is important as open communication between users and developers is essential in making sure that concerns from both parties are addressed. Finally try to avoid excessive flattery or bashing of the app. A review that does too much of either comes off as biased and does not provide a realistic impression of the app for the developer or other users.
3.3. Writing Engaging and Informative Reviews
Remember that, because the app market is so crowded, your review is just one of many. Readers are not often obliged to read a review in its entirety and could quite easily find another one to read instead. Your opening paragraph needs to grab the reader's attention and raise their curiosity enough to make them want to read the remainder of the review. Similarly, the closing paragraph should leave the reader feeling satisfied that all angles of the application have been covered and that your opinion is accurate and justified. This will increase the likelihood of the reader returning to read more of your reviews in the future.
This is where your writing skills come into play. You should aim to produce reviews that are, first and foremost, easy for the reader to follow. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar are likely to reduce your credibility in the eyes of your audience, so your reviews should be clear, concise, and well-written. Because app review readers will want to know what the application is like to use, you should aim to write an account of your experience in a way that conveys what the app is like to the reader without him or her having to use it themselves. You can achieve this by using the first person. Include details that give the reader an inside view of what the application is really like.
3.4. Rating and Ranking Apps
The ultimate goal of a review is to promote a product that is worth buying by giving the product a high rating and leaving positive comments. The company that creates the product wants to see what needs to be improved in the product before a launch, and for that to happen, they have to get a high rating. This will prompt the developer of the app to take action on what you mentioned in your review, creating a better user experience for the consumers. Some things that should be mentioned in your critique are what the app does well, what it does not do well, and what can be improved. To produce a high-quality review, plan to spend 15-20 minutes per review - writing the review itself and playing the app. This is important to make a thorough evaluation of the app. If the review is not thought out and only superficially evaluates the app, it will show through and result in a mediocre review. Also, the app should be played for a day or two after the initial evaluation to get a feel for what the app is really like. During the initial evaluation, take note of anything that stands out in a positive or negative way to be included in the review.
4. Maximizing Earnings as an App Reviewer
Once you've spent some time building your reputation, it will be easier to find reviewing jobs on the various freelancing platforms. Here you can simply look for something saying "get paid to review apps," make a bid on it, and if your application is accepted, you complete the review and get paid. These are often one-time jobs, but they can be sporadically found in the wake of your initiation into private reviewing. Completing these will increase your cache and show that you can effectively and continuously provide detailed reviews. Completing some of these on the side can be combined with private "free work" up until the point you feel you have enough momentum to start your own reviewing business.
The most important part of getting paid to review apps is having a strong, consistent track record. In the beginning, you may decide to go above and beyond and make sure you provide more detailed reviews for free. This will help you build your reputation as a reviewer. These reviews can be copied to a blog and shown to any current or potential clients. It is also important to show that you can be an effective reviewer on top of being a reliable, private communicator, as there are many questions an app developer will want to ask you along the way. An effective method for this is to create a separate "business phone".
4.1. Building a Reputation as a Reliable Reviewer
So you've decided you're interested in getting paid to review apps, now what? If you're truly dedicated to turning your app reviewing hobby into a part-time job or even a full-time career, this is the section for you. A lot of people assume they can pull in some side cash by writing a few reviews on an app store, or maybe by doing so freelance, and call it quits there. The truth is, doing reviews directly on app stores is not where the real money is at. As a reviewer on app stores (with the exception of the elite few who manage to become top reviewers on apps with millions of downloads), you're going to make very little money. However, this is a great place to start laying the foundation. Most of the higher-paying reviewing opportunities will require some sort of proof of your competency in the field, and app store reviews can be just that.
4.1. Building a Reputation as a Reliable Reviewer
One of the keys to maximal earnings is building a solid reputation as a reliable reviewer. The more trustworthy you are perceived, the more likely a developer will invest time explaining their app, and sometimes (as was my case with Gomez for Java) giving you special access to it. This is important because many apps that are dens for making money off of ad revenue or in-app purchases aren't going to want to waste time with just any reviewer. They will be looking for someone credible who is going to fairly assess their product and not just play it once and bash or praise it. It's always nice to have some connections and already be familiar with apps when you go to review it. This will allow you to produce higher quality work in a shorter amount of time and maybe even allow for reviewing apps not yet released to the public. You may even have the opportunity to interview the developer or do a Q&A session for a more in-depth understanding of what the app is about. All of these are things that are going to lead to more interesting content as well as the ability to negotiate higher pay.
4.2. Exploring Additional App Reviewing Platforms
Remember that taking on a multitude of reviews at once can reduce the quality of your reviewing due to divided concentration. If you oversubscribe to reviewing apps on multiple platforms, it may become difficult to track the list of apps that you have agreed to review as well as meeting the expectations of multiple sets of developers. For the most part, efficiency is maintained through focusing on one set of reviews at a time. A common misconception amongst new app reviewers is that reviewing the same app on multiple platforms equates to increased exposure and pay. In most cases, duplicate reviews are not necessary and it is better to use your time reviewing a variety of different apps.
When considering a move to a new platform, the same principles apply in terms of the standard of your review and maintaining a reliable reputation. It is good to check the credentials of the platform to ensure that it is a legitimate and professional operation. During the early stages of a move to a new platform, it may be advantageous to write a few reviews before deciding whether it is worth dedicating more time to the platform. This will allow you to assess the response from readers and the approachability and reliability of platform staff.
Given the volume of app review taking place and the current number of platforms against the limited availability of reviewing spots on the more prestigious and established platforms, there is a niche for every swagger of app reviewer. Platform administrators have been known to offer incentives for seasoned and reliable reviewers to post reviews on their platform. If you are bored with reviewing apps or your current platform isn't providing enough work, this could be a good opportunity to find some new reviewing pastures and to earn a little extra cash on the side.
As app review reaches the airwaves, a number of app reviewing platforms have sprung into existence. For the most part, these platforms focus on a particular app market or genre. There are also additional platforms that have sectioned a portion of their website for app reviews. Platform operatives are often on the lookout for new app reviewers.
4.3. Leveraging Social Media for Promotion
Engaging with social media can be a great way to increase the visibility of your reviews and your personal brand as a reviewer. Social media sites are already great ways to share information about which apps are currently being used and to gather a following of friends. Oftentimes, quick review opinions in status updates can generate comments and a quick bit of ad revenue for you as well! Facebook and Google+ have the capability to create and share posts from your own blog or other websites and even better can be targeted to certain demographics to make sure that your content reaches the right audiences. Twitter is built around short and easily digestible bits of information and if you can manage to grow a large following, your tweets can be a great source of traffic towards your review blog. Other social media sites are better at different forms of media, for example, Instagram can be used to take stylish pictures of new apps and create a following through the use of many hashtags to make sure that your content is visible to the right audiences. Finally, focusing around YouTube and making video reviews can be a huge boon compared to the standard written review format. Creating a following on YouTube can be quite profitable, and as it is only getting easier to create quality videos on both PC and mobile, the barrier to entry to making video content is lower than ever. Videos can be shared to many different platforms and even directly with developers and depending on the quality and editing of said videos, there is the chance of video ad revenue from platforms such as YouTube. Social media is constantly evolving and there are always new ways to share content, but regardless, there is always a way for informative and creative app reviews to gather traffic through social media.

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